The SUEZ commitment to local territories assumes many different guises and today delivers two forms of innovation, in both technical and contractual terms. SUEZ supports city and municipal authorities in their issues of urban development and attractiveness, but also through new models of governance.
Ressourceful cities

Shaping the city of tomorrow

We support cities in implementing the vision of their own future. For us, the city of tomorrow is a ‘resourceful city’: a smart, circular, resilient and collaborative city.
212 water managementout

When smart water knows no borders

We will not be able to rise to the water resource challenge without a radical change in the management of such resources. This need is all the more pressing in countries where reserves are limited and subject to high demographic pressure...
Resource recovery and waste management

Making waste management increasingly smarter

SUEZ is increasingly making use of new technologies to meet the needs of its customers in the waste recycling and recovery sector...