Enabling every employee to rise to the challenges of the present and the future

At SUEZ, we provide our employees with a wide range of self-development opportunities to help them become tomorrow’s leaders.

In taking up a Leader role, you are embarking on a leadership development journey. The majority of your learning and development will be through “In-Role Development”, working on tasks and activities you undertake as part of your role. This program is based on SUEZ Leadership Model as its foundation and designed to support you gain clarity on what is expected of you as a leader at SUEZ and how to develop yourself from a good to great leader. Your transition into a great Leader is a process rather than a single event. The program is not a once-event, but a 1-year development journey, consisting of 5 ‘stages’, which signify the various stages of development.

This program is designed as an intervention to enable participants to make a successful transition from an individual contributor to a team leader, through:

  • Effectively lead the development of self and others
  • Have common understanding of SUEZ’s expectation for leaders - Leadership Model
  • Enhance skills of leading teams especially on feedback, motivation and conflict management
  • Explore solutions to cope with individual leadership challenges

Mentoring Program

The Group allocates a considerable amount of resources including on-the-job training to our staff to ensure that every employee has a rewarding career. We also believe in “Leaders Growing Leaders” where senior managers are encouraged to nurture talents in the company – which was why we launched the Mentoring Program to allow mentors to pass on valuable career advice to their mentees through regular exchanges.

Mentoring program provides one-on-one exchange opportunities for employees with senior leaders who understand the company, the business and the culture. The primary goal of the mentorship is sharing personal experience, supporting career development and guiding mentees through uncertainties they may face. This developmental intervention helps our employees build internal network and benefit from this network in their growth journey within SUEZ.


  • This is a strong and efficient development tool, and Learning Relationship to build SUEZ Leadership
  • Aims at developing capacity of talents to deal with their environment (soft skills, career management, leadership, difficult issues, …)
  • Create a qualitative network across business and functions
  • Promote “Leaders Develop Leaders” Culture at SUEZ


Learning for Experts

We have always depended on the expertise of its technical populations in successfully winning business and delivering value to its clients. As a services company, SUEZ is even more dependent on the quality of its experts to develop solutions for clients. It is in this spirit that SUEZ proposes a unique learning opportunity “Learning for Experts” to develop this key population.

The objective of the program is to develop their non-technical competencies in the areas of:

  • Communication & interpersonal effectiveness
  • Transfer of knowledge and expertise
  • Cooperation across business
  • Client engagement
  • Networking

What benefits:


  • Supporting SUEZ in the move towards an environmental services leader positioning via experts who know how to operate with a consultative mind-set
  • Understanding how to effectively transfer knowledge/expertise
  • Integrating experts into a group-wide experts community
  • Developing awareness of one's own operating style and those of others
  • Learning to become more effective in interpersonal communication and collaboration with impact
  • Learning about SUEZ business today and tomorrow